A few weeks ago I asked over 1,000 of you what you struggle with the most, and your number one answer was plot.
How to create it, how to improve it, and how to master it.
It makes sense that plot is your number one problem because plot is one of the most important parts of a story. If you don't have a good one your readers won't make it through your book.
I've worked hard over the past few weeks to combine my acquired knowledge with some of the best resources on plot, and I'm finally ready to share these awesome insights with you.
I'm teaching a free video training all about mastering plot. Hang out with me for 3 short videos and you'll learn everything you need to know to take your plot from so-so to amazing in no time.
So if you're ready to take your plot to the next level sign up! Don't miss this awesome opportunity to learn how to create a kick-ass plot that keeps your readers wanting more.
Can't wait to see you there,