I know the start of the week is busy, so I'll make this post easy for you.
If you're a writer who wants a bunch of awesome writing lessons to take your story to the next level, congratulations.
You just hit the writing jackpot.
Here's why you're getting a bunch of awesome writing knowledge
Our writing squad's 2,600 writers strong now and you guys told me you want to learn:
- How To Stay Motivated When Writing
- How To Master Plot
- How To Finish A First Draft
- How To Revise
This September I was working on programs and video series to help with these lessons, but it wasn't until today that I realized we have a perfect opportunity to get all this information to you at once!
"What is this perfect opportunity?" you ask.
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short)!
For those of you that don’t know, NaNoWriMo is an international writing challenge that takes place during the month of November. Starting on the 1st, participants around the world commit to the goal of finishing a novel (or writing 50,000 words) by November 30th.
If you're struggling with motivation, NaNoWriMo is the perfect way to get the kick in the butt you need. What better motivation is there than knowing you're writing with over 300,000 other writers dedicating 1 month to their writing dreams?
NaNoWriMo has a special place in my heart because it literally changed my life.
2 years ago it pushed me to finish the first draft of my first novel ever.
That one book lead to the writing knowledge that let me start this blog and meet 2,600 awesome writers. That one NaNoWriMo book connected me with 6 great literary agents who have already told me they can't wait to read my next book!
For me, NaNoWriMo isn't just a challenge.
If you commit yourself to it you can really jumpstart your literary career!
But NaNoWriMo sounds hard...
That's because it is.
50,000 words in one month is no joke, but don't worry, I'm here to help!
My first two NaNoWriMos I "failed" because I didn't have a plan and burned out after a few days. But during my third NaNoWriMo I finally cracked the code to finishing with a book that launched my literary career!
The key to winning NaNoWriMo for me was using the month of October to:
- Nail down my idea
- Outline my plot and
- Create killer characters
After that, the rest was easy (as "easy" as 50,000+ words can be.)
My NaNoWriMo success literally changed my life so in hopes that I can help as many people as possible get a NaNoWriMo success story, I am dedicating the next month of my blog to sharing all my best writing tips and tricks to help you crush the challenge!
Whether or not you're participating in NaNoWriMo, stay tuned because you're still getting my best writing knowledge!
Here's when you're getting the goods
- October 10: How To Find & Refine Your Story Idea
- October 17: How To Plot Your Novel Like An Oscar-Winning Movie
- October 24: How To Create Killer Characters
Each week I'm going to be dropping these knowledge bombs in your inbox along with workbooks, videos, exercises and more.
If you don't want to miss any of this greatness click here and sign up for this awesome series.
By the end of that week you'll have all the tools I have to write the stories you've been dreaming of!
Now for those of you who're wondering where your revision knowledge comes in, have no fear: December is going to be dedicated to the Rules of Revision!
After you have your new first draft, you'll learn everything that's helped me write and rewrite my current manuscript with a lot of success!
So in short, over the next few months you're getting all the writing knowledge I have! I'm super excited about it, I hope you are, too!
So what do you think? What're you most excited for?
Go in the comments and tell me!
Hope your week's off to a better start and can't wait for you to join me on our way to NaNoWriMo success!
Happy writing,